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NCSA Webinar on Cybersecurity for Small Businesses

Original release date: August 9, 2019

The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) and INFOSEC are hosting a webinar to educate small businesses on how to protect against phishing, vishing, and smishing threats. The webinar will be held on Tuesday, August 13, 2019 from 2-3 p.m. ET.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) encourages small businesses to register for the webinar and visit CISA’s Resources for Business page to learn how to defend against cyber criminals.

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Original author: CISA
  204 Hits

ACSC Releases Advisory on Password Spraying Attacks

Original release date: August 8, 2019

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has released an advisory on password spraying attacks. Password spraying is a type of brute-force attack in which a malicious actor uses a single password against targeted user accounts before moving on to attempt a second password, and so on. This technique allows the actor to remain undetected by avoiding rapid or frequent account lockouts.
The ACSC provides recommendations for organizations to detect and mitigate these types of attacks against their external services, such as webmail, remote desktop access, or cloud-based services.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review the ACSC advisory on password spraying attacks and the following CISA tips:
•    Choosing and Protecting Passwords
•    Supplementing Passwords

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Original author: CISA
  364 Hits

Google Releases Security Updates for Chrome

Original release date: August 8, 2019

Google has released Chrome version 76.0.3809.100 for Windows, Mac, and Linux. This version addresses a vulnerability that an attacker could exploit to take control of an affected system.
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review the Chrome Release and apply the necessary updates.

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Original author: CISA
  300 Hits

Cisco Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products

Original release date: August 8, 2019

Cisco has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in multiple Cisco products. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review the following Cisco Security Advisories and apply the necessary updates:

Webex Network Recording Player and Webex Player Arbitrary Code Execution Vulnerabilities cisco-sa-20190807-webex-player Enterprise NFV Infrastructure Software VNC Authentication Bypass Vulnerability cisco-sa-20190807-nfvis-vnc-authbypass IOS XR Software Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Denial of Service Vulnerability cisco-sa-20190807-iosxr-isis-dos-1918 IOS XR Software Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System Denial of Service Vulnerability cisco-sa-20190807-iosxr-isis-dos-1910 Adaptive Security Appliance Software Web-Based Management Interface Privilege Escalation Vulnerability cisco-sa-20190807-asa-privescala Small Business 220 Series Smart Switches Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities cisco-sa-20190806-sb220-rce Small Business 220 Series Smart Switches Authentication Bypass Vulnerability cisco-sa-20190806-sb220-auth_bypass

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Original author: CISA
  349 Hits

SWAPGS Spectre Side-Channel Vulnerability

Original release date: August 6, 2019

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is aware of a vulnerability (CVE-2019-1125) known as SWAPGS, which is a variant of Spectre Variant 1—that affects modern computer processors. This vulnerability can be exploited to steal sensitive data present in a computer systems' memory.

Spectre is a flaw an attacker can exploit to force a program to reveal its data. The name derives from "speculative execution"—an optimization method a computer system performs to check whether it will work to prevent a delay when actually executed. Spectre affects almost all devices including desktops, laptops, and cloud servers.

CISA encourages users and administrators to review the following guidance, refer to their hardware and software vendors for additional details, and apply an appropriate patch when available:

Microsoft: Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability Red Hat: Spectre SWAPGS gadget vulnerability Google: Spectre Side Channels

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Original author: CISA
  322 Hits

El Paso and Dayton Tragedy-Related Scams and Malware Campaigns

Original release date: August 6, 2019

In the wake of the recent shootings in El Paso, TX, and Dayton, OH, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) advises users to watch out for possible malicious cyber activity seeking to capitalize on these tragic events. Users should exercise caution in handling emails related to the shootings, even if they appear to originate from trusted sources. Fraudulent emails often contain links or attachments that direct users to phishing or malware-infected websites. Emails requesting donations from duplicitous charitable organizations are also common after tragic events. Be wary of fraudulent social media pleas, calls, texts, donation websites, and door-to-door solicitations relating to these events.

To avoid becoming a victim of malicious activity, users and administrators should consider taking the following preventive measures:

Use caution when opening email attachments, and do not click on links in unsolicited email messages. Refer to CISA’s Tip on Using Caution with Email Attachments. Review CISA’s Tip on Staying Safe on Social Networking Sites. Refer to CISA’s Tip on Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks. Review the information from the Federal Trade Commission on Before Giving to a Charity.

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Original author: CISA
  316 Hits

VMware Releases Security Updates for Multiple Products

Original release date: August 3, 2019

VMware has released a security advisory to address vulnerabilities affecting multiple products. An attacker could exploit one of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review VMware Security Advisory VMSA-2019-0012 and apply the necessary updates and workarounds.

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Original author: CISA
  177 Hits

Cylance Antivirus Vulnerability

Original release date: August 2, 2019

The CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) has released information on a vulnerability affecting Cylance Antivirus products. A remote attacker could bypass Cylance antivirus detection.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages users and administrators to review CERT/CC Vulnerability Note VU#489481 and the Cylance Resolution for BlackBerry Cylance Bypass webpage for patch information and additional recommended workarounds.

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Original author: CISA
  187 Hits

IRS Reminds Tax Professionals: Beware Phishing Emails

Original release date: August 1, 2019 | Last revised: August 2, 2019

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued a news release warning tax professionals of the continued threat of phishing emails. Phishing emails are one of the most common ways cyber criminals steal sensitive data. Educating personnel on the risks posed by phishing emails is part of the Taxes. Security. Together. Checklist, which IRS created to help tax professionals protect sensitive taxpayer data.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages tax professionals to review the IRS news release and the CISA Tip on Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for more information.

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Original author: CISA
  336 Hits

NIST Publishes Multifactor Authentication Practice Guide

Original release date: August 1, 2019

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has published NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide: Multifactor Authentication for E-Commerce. The guide provides e-commerce organizations multifactor authentication (MFA) protection methods they can implement to reduce fraudulent purchases.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) encourages e-commerce organizations to download the guide to learn how to prevent e-commerce fraud using MFA solutions.

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Original author: CISA
  156 Hits

Federal Information Security: Agencies and OMB Need to Strengthen Policies and Practices, July 26, 2019

During fiscal year 2018, many federal agencies were often not adequately or effectively implementing their information security policies and practices. For example, most of the 16 agencies GAO selected for review had deficiencies related to implementing the eight elements of an agency-wide information security program required by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA) (see figure) . Further, inspectors general (IGs) reported that 18 of the 24 Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Act of 1990 agencies did not have effective agency-wide information security programs. GAO and IGs have previously made numerous recommendations to agencies to address such deficiencies, but many of these recommendations remain unimplemented.Number of 16 Selected Agencies with Deficiencies in the Eight Elements of an Information Security Program, as Required by the Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 With certain exceptions, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) were generally implementing their government-wide FISMA requirements, including issuing guidance and implementing programs that are intended to improve agencies' information security. However, OMB has not submitted its required FISMA report to Congress for fiscal year 2018 and has reduced the number of agencies at which it holds CyberStat meetings from 24 in fiscal year 2016 to three in fiscal year 2018—thereby restricting key activities for overseeing agencies' implementation of information security. Also, OMB, in collaboration with the Council of Inspectors General for Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), did not include a metric for system security plans, one of the required information security program elements, in its guidance on FISMA reporting. As a result, oversight of agencies' information security programs was diminished. For 22 years, GAO has designated information security as a government-wide high-risk area. FISMA requires federal agencies to develop, document, and implement information security programs and have independent evaluations of those programs and practices. It also assigns government-wide responsibilities for information security to OMB, DHS, and NIST.FISMA includes a provision for GAO to periodically report to Congress on agencies' implementation of the act. GAO's objectives in this report were to (1) describe the reported adequacy and effectiveness of selected federal agencies' information security policies and practices and (2) evaluate the extent to which OMB, DHS, and NIST have implemented their government-wide FISMA requirements. GAO categorized information security deficiencies as reported by 16 randomly selected agencies and their IGs according to the elements of an information security program; evaluated IG reports for 24 CFO Act agencies; examined OMB, DHS, and NIST documents; and interviewed agency officials. GAO is making three recommendations to OMB to (1) submit its FISMA report to Congress for fiscal year 2018, (2) expand its coordination of CyberStat meetings with agencies, and (3) collaborate with CIGIE to update the inspector general FISMA reporting metrics to include assessing system security plans. OMB generally agreed with GAO's recommendations.For more information, contact Gregory C. Wilshusen at (202) 512-6244 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  274 Hits

Cybersecurity: Agencies Need to Fully Establish Risk Management Programs and Address Challenges, July 25, 2019

Key practices for establishing an agency-wide cybersecurity risk management program include designating a cybersecurity risk executive, developing a risk management strategy and policies to facilitate risk-based decisions, assessing cyber risks to the agency, and establishing coordination with the agency's enterprise risk management (ERM) program. Although the 23 agencies GAO reviewed almost always designated a risk executive, they often did not fully incorporate other key practices in their programs:Twenty-two agencies established the role of cybersecurity risk executive, to provide agency-wide management and oversight of risk management.Sixteen agencies have not fully established a cybersecurity risk management strategy to delineate the boundaries for risk-based decisions.Seventeen agencies have not fully established agency- and system-level policies for assessing, responding to, and monitoring risk.Eleven agencies have not fully established a process for assessing agency-wide cybersecurity risks based on an aggregation of system-level risks.Thirteen agencies have not fully established a process for coordinating between their cybersecurity and ERM programs for managing all major risks.Until they address these practices, agencies will face an increased risk of cyber-based incidents that threaten national security and personal privacy.Agencies identified multiple challenges in establishing and implementing cybersecurity risk management programs (see table).Agency Challenges in Establishing Cybersecurity Risk Management Programs Challenge Agencies reporting challenge Hiring and retaining key cybersecurity management personnel 23 Managing competing priorities between operations and cybersecurity 19 Establishing and implementing consistent policies and procedures 18 Establishing and implementing standardized technology capabilities 18 Receiving quality risk data 18 Using federal cybersecurity risk management guidance 16 Developing an agency-wide risk management strategy 15 Incorporating cyber risks into enterprise risk management 14 Source: GAO analysis of agency data. | GAO-19-384In response to a May 2017 executive order, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) identified areas for improvement in agencies' capabilities for managing cyber risks. Further, they have initiatives under way that should help address four of the challenges identified by agencies—hiring and retention, standardizing capabilities, receiving quality risk data, and using guidance. However, OMB and DHS did not establish initiatives to address the other challenges on managing conflicting priorities, establishing and implementing consistent policies, developing risk management strategies, and incorporating cyber risks into ERM. Without additional guidance or assistance to mitigate these challenges, agencies will likely continue to be hindered in managing cybersecurity risks. Federal agencies face a growing number of cyber threats to their systems and data. To protect against these threats, federal law and policies emphasize that agencies take a risk-based approach to cybersecurity by effectively identifying, prioritizing, and managing their cyber risks. In addition, OMB and DHS play important roles in overseeing and supporting agencies' cybersecurity risk management efforts.GAO was asked to review federal agencies' cybersecurity risk management programs. GAO examined (1) the extent to which agencies established key elements of a cybersecurity risk management program; (2) what challenges, if any, agencies identified in developing and implementing cybersecurity risk management programs; and (3) steps OMB and DHS have taken to meet their risk management responsibilities and address any challenges agencies face. To do this, GAO reviewed policies and procedures from 23 civilian Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 agencies and compared them to key federal cybersecurity risk management practices, obtained agencies' views on challenges they faced, identified and analyzed actions taken by OMB and DHS to determine whether they address agency challenges, and interviewed responsible agency officials. GAO is making 57 recommendations to the 23 agencies and one to OMB, in coordination with DHS, to assist agencies in addressing challenges. Seventeen agencies agreed with the recommendations, one partially agreed, and four, including OMB, did not state whether they agreed or disagreed. GAO continues to believe all its recommendations are warranted.For more information, contact Nick Marinos at (202) 512-9342 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  277 Hits

Management Report: Improvements Are Needed to Enhance the Internal Revenue Service's Information System Security Controls, July 18, 2019

During its audit of the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) fiscal years 2018 and 2017 financial statements, GAO identified new deficiencies in information system security controls that along with unresolved control deficiencies from prior audits collectively represent a significant deficiency in the agency's internal control over financial reporting systems. Specifically, GAO identified 14 new deficiencies in information system security controls over certain IRS financial and tax processing systems that are relevant to internal control over financial reporting. Of the 14 new deficiencies, eight were related to access controls, four were related to configuration management, one was related to segregation of duties, and one was related to contingency planning. In a separately issued LIMITED OFFICIAL USE ONLY report, GAO communicated to IRS management detailed information regarding the 14 new information system security control deficiencies and made 20 recommendations to address them.In addition, GAO found that as of September 30, 2018, IRS had completed corrective actions to address information system security control deficiencies associated with 46 of the 154 recommendations resulting from GAO's financial audits, and as a result, these recommendations were closed. GAO closed one additional recommendation that was no longer relevant because of changes in the agency's operating environment. In the LIMITED OFFICIAL USE ONLY report, GAO communicated to IRS management the status of previously reported recommendations as of September 30, 2018.As a result, IRS has 127 GAO recommendations to address—the 107 remaining open recommendations from GAO's prior financial audits and the 20 new recommendations GAO made in the LIMITED OFFICIAL USE ONLY report. Until these new and continuing control deficiencies are fully addressed, IRS financial reporting and taxpayer data will remain unnecessarily vulnerable to inappropriate and undetected use, modification, or disclosure.Status of GAO Recommendations to IRS for Addressing Information System Security Control Deficiencies  Information system security control area Open recommendations from prior audits  Prior recommendations closed as of September 30, 2018 New recommendations resulting from FY 2018 audit Total  remaining open recommendations    Access controls 106 24 11 93 Configuration management 32 13 7 26 Segregation of duties 1 1 1 1 Contingency planning 2 2 1 1 Information security program 13 7 — 6 Total 154 47 20 127 Legend: FY = fiscal year; — = no recommendation made.Source: GAO analysis of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data.  |  GAO-19-474R This report presents the new information system security control deficiencies identified during GAO's audit of IRS's fiscal years 2018 and 2017 financial statements based on its fiscal year 2018 testing of controls over certain IRS financial and tax processing systems relevant to internal control over financial reporting. This report also includes the results of GAO's fiscal year 2018 follow-up on the status of IRS's corrective actions to address information system control deficiencies and associated recommendations contained in GAO's prior years' reports that were open at the beginning of GAO's fiscal year 2018 audit. In a separately issued LIMITED OFFICIAL USE ONLY report, GAO made 20 recommendations to address the 14 new information system security control deficiencies related to access controls, configuration management, segregation of duties, and contingency planning. In commenting on a draft of the separately issued LIMITED OFFICIAL USE ONLY report, IRS agreed with our recommendations and stated that it will ensure that its corrective actions include root cause analysis for sustainable fixes that implement appropriate security controls. GAO will evaluate the effectiveness of IRS's efforts to address these deficiencies during its audit of IRS's fiscal year 2019 financial statements.For more information, contact Cheryl E. Clark at (202) 512-9377 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Nancy R. Kingsbury at (202) 512-2700 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  285 Hits

AA19-168A: Microsoft Operating Systems BlueKeep Vulnerability

Original release date: June 17, 2019


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is issuing this Activity Alert to provide information on a vulnerability, known as “BlueKeep,” that exists in the following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (OSs), including both 32- and 64-bit versions, as well as all Service Pack versions:

Windows 2000Windows VistaWindows XPWindows 7Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 R2Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008 R2

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system.     

Technical Details

BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708) exists within the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) used by the Microsoft Windows OSs listed above. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to perform remote code execution on an unprotected system. 

According to Microsoft, an attacker can send specially crafted packets to one of these operating systems that has RDP enabled.[1] After successfully sending the packets, the attacker would have the ability to perform a number of actions: adding accounts with full user rights; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or installing programs. This exploit, which requires no user interaction, must occur before authentication to be successful.

BlueKeep is considered “wormable” because malware exploiting this vulnerability on a system could propagate to other vulnerable systems; thus, a BlueKeep exploit would be capable of rapidly spreading in a fashion similar to the WannaCry malware attacks of 2017.[2]

  289 Hits

AA19-168A: Microsoft Operating Systems BlueKeep Vulnerability

Original release date: June 17, 2019


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is issuing this Activity Alert to provide information on a vulnerability, known as “BlueKeep,” that exists in the following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems (OSs), including both 32- and 64-bit versions, as well as all Service Pack versions:

Windows 2000Windows VistaWindows XPWindows 7Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 R2Windows Server 2008Windows Server 2008 R2

An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to take control of an affected system.     

Technical Details

BlueKeep (CVE-2019-0708) exists within the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) used by the Microsoft Windows OSs listed above. An attacker can exploit this vulnerability to perform remote code execution on an unprotected system. 

According to Microsoft, an attacker can send specially crafted packets to one of these operating systems that has RDP enabled.[1] After successfully sending the packets, the attacker would have the ability to perform a number of actions: adding accounts with full user rights; viewing, changing, or deleting data; or installing programs. This exploit, which requires no user interaction, must occur before authentication to be successful.

BlueKeep is considered “wormable” because malware exploiting this vulnerability on a system could propagate to other vulnerable systems; thus, a BlueKeep exploit would be capable of rapidly spreading in a fashion similar to the WannaCry malware attacks of 2017.[2]

  283 Hits

Data Protection: Federal Agencies Need to Strengthen Online Identity Verification Processes, May 17, 2019

Remote identity proofing is the process federal agencies and other entities use to verify that the individuals who apply online for benefits and services are who they claim to be. To perform remote identity proofing, agencies that GAO reviewed rely on consumer reporting agencies (CRAs) to conduct a procedure known as knowledge-based verification. This type of verification involves asking applicants seeking federal benefits or services personal questions derived from information found in their credit files, with the assumption that only the true owner of the identity would know the answers. If the applicant responds correctly, their identity is considered to be verified. For example, the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses this technique to verify the identities of individuals seeking access to the “My Social Security” service, which allows them to check the status of benefit applications, request a replacement Social Security or Medicare card, and request other services.However, data stolen in recent breaches, such as the 2017 Equifax breach, could be used fraudulently to respond to knowledge-based verification questions. The risk that an attacker could obtain and use an individual's personal information to answer knowledge-based verification questions and impersonate that individual led the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to issue guidance in 2017 that effectively prohibits agencies from using knowledge-based verification for sensitive applications. Alternative methods are available that provide stronger security, as shown in Figure 1. However, these methods may have limitations in cost, convenience, and technological maturity, and they may not be viable for all segments of the public.Figure 1: Examples of Alternative Identity Verification and Validation Methods that Federal Agencies Have Reported Using Two of the six agencies that GAO reviewed have eliminated knowledge-based verification. Specifically, the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently developed and began using alternative methods for remote identity proofing for their and Get Transcript services that do not rely on knowledge-based verification. One agency—the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)—has implemented alternative methods for part of its identity proofing process but still relies on knowledge-based verification for some individuals. SSA and the United States Postal Service (USPS) intend to reduce or eliminate their use of knowledge-based verification sometime in the future but do not yet have specific plans for doing so. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has no plans to reduce or eliminate knowledge-based verification for remote identity proofing.Several officials cited reasons for not adopting alternative methods, including high costs and implementation challenges for certain segments of the public. For example, mobile device verification may not always be viable because not all applicants possess mobile devices that can be used to verify their identities. Nevertheless, until these agencies take steps to eliminate their use of knowledge-based verification, the individuals they serve will remain at increased risk of identity fraud.NIST has issued guidance to agencies related to identity proofing and OMB has drafted identity management guidance, but their guidance is not sufficient to ensure agencies are adopting such methods. Sound practices in information technology (IT) management state that organizations should provide clear direction on how to implement IT objectives. However, NIST's guidance does not provide direction to agencies on how to successfully implement alternative identity-proofing methods with currently available technologies for all segments of the public. For example, the guidance does not discuss the advantages and limitations of currently available technologies or make recommendations to agencies on which technologies should be adopted. Further, most of the agencies that GAO reviewed reported that they were not able to implement the guidance because of limitations in available technologies for implementing alternative identify proofing methods. NIST officials stated that they believe their guidance is comprehensive, and at the time of our review they did not plan to issue supplemental implementation guidance to assist agencies.The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 ( FISMA) requires that OMB oversee federal agencies' information security practices. Although OMB has the authority under this statute to issue guidance, OMB has not issued guidance requiring agencies to report on their progress in implementing NIST's identity proofing guidance. OMB staff plan to issue guidance on identity management at federal agencies, but their proposed guidance does not require agencies to report on their progress in implementing NIST guidance. Until NIST provides additional guidance to help agencies move away from knowledge-based verification methods and OMB requires agencies to report on their progress, federal agencies will likely continue to struggle to strengthen their identify proofing processes. Many federal agencies rely on CRAs, such as Equifax, to help conduct remote identity proofing. The 2017 breach of data at Equifax raised concerns about federal agencies' remote identity proofing processes.GAO was asked to review federal agencies' remote identity proofing practices in light of the recent Equifax breach and the potential for fraud. The objectives of this review were to (1) describe federal practices for remote identity proofing and the risks associated with those practices, (2) assess federal agencies' actions to ensure the effectiveness of agencies' remote identity proofing processes, and (3) assess the sufficiency of federal identity proofing guidance.To do so, GAO identified remote identity proofing practices used by six agencies (CMS, GSA, IRS, SSA, USPS, and VA) with major, public-facing web applications providing public access to benefits or services. GAO compared the agencies' practices to NIST's remote identity proofing guidance to assess their effectiveness, and compared NIST's and OMB's guidance to requirements in federal law and best practices in IT management to assess the sufficiency of the guidance. GAO is making recommendations to six agencies to strengthen online identify verification processes: GAO recommends that CMS, SSA, USPS, and VA develop plans to strengthen their remote identity proofing processes by discontinuing knowledge-based verification. GAO recommends that NIST supplement its technical guidance with implementation guidance to assist agencies in adopting more secure remote identity proofing processes. GAO recommends that OMB issue guidance requiring federal agencies to report on their progress in adopting secure identity proofing practices.Four agencies—Commerce (on behalf of NIST), SSA, USPS, and VA—agreed with GAO's recommendations. These agencies outlined the additional steps they plan to take to improve the security of their remote identity proofing processes. One agency, HHS (on behalf of CMS), disagreed with GAO's recommendation because it did not believe that the available alternatives to knowledge-based verification were feasible for the individuals it serves. However, a variety of alternative methods exist, and GAO continues to believe CMS should develop a plan for discontinuing the use of knowledge-based verification. OMB provided a technical comment, which GAO incorporated, but OMB did not provide any comments on GAO's recommendation.For more information, contact Nick Marinos at (202) 512-9342 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Michael Clements at (202) 512-8678 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  266 Hits

Taxpayer Information: IRS Needs to Improve Oversight of Third-Party Cybersecurity Practices, May 09, 2019

Federal law and guidance require that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the sensitive financial and taxpayer information that resides on its systems. However, taxpayer information held by third-party providers—such as paid tax return preparers and tax preparation software providers—generally falls outside of these requirements, according to IRS officials.In 2018, about 90 percent of individual taxpayers had their tax returns electronically filed by paid preparers or used tax preparation software to prepare and file their own returns.How Individual Tax Returns Were Filed, Calendar Year 2018IRS seeks to help safeguard electronic tax return filing for various types of third-party providers through requirements under its Authorized e-file Provider program. However, IRS’s efforts do not provide assurance that taxpayers’ information is being adequately protected. Paid Preparers. IRS has not developed minimum information security requirements for the systems used by paid preparers or Authorized e-file Providers. According to IRS’s Office of Chief Counsel, IRS does not have the explicit authority to regulate security for these systems. Instead, the Internal Revenue Code gives IRS broad authority to administer and supervise the internal revenue laws. The Department of the Treasury has previously requested additional authority to regulate the competency of all paid preparers; GAO has also suggested that Congress consider granting IRS this authority. Congress has not yet provided such authority. Neither the Department of the Treasury request nor the GAO suggestion included granting IRS authority to regulate the security of paid preparers’ systems. Having such authority would enable IRS to establish minimum requirements. Further, having explicit authority to establish security standards for Authorized e-file Providers’ systems may help IRS better ensure the protection of taxpayers’ information. Tax Software Providers. As part of a public-private partnership between IRS and the tax preparation industry, 15 tax software providers voluntarily adhere to a set of about 140 information security controls developed using guidance from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). However, these controls are not required, and these providers represent only about one-third of all tax software providers. Additionally, IRS established six security, privacy, and business standards for providers of software that allows individuals to prepare their own tax returns (as opposed to software that paid preparers use). However, IRS has not substantially updated these standards since 2010, and they are, at least in part, outdated. For example, IRS cites an outdated encryption standard that NIST recommends not using due to its many known weaknesses.A key factor contributing to missed opportunities to address third-party cybersecurity is IRS’s lack of centralized leadership. Consequently, IRS is less able to ensure that third-party providers adequately protect taxpayers’ information, which may result in identity theft refund fraud.Example of Successful Identity Theft Refund Fraud AttemptIRS monitors compliance with its electronic tax return filing program requirements for those paid preparers who electronically file returns; however, IRS’s monitoring has a limited focus on cybersecurity issues. For example, the monitoring techniques largely focus on physical security (e.g., locked filing cabinets) rather than verifying that preparers have an information security policy consistent with NIST-recommended controls. Without effective monitoring of cybersecurity controls, IRS has limited assurance that those paid preparers’ systems have adequate controls in place to protect clients’ data.IRS recently began collecting information on high-risk security incidents, such as hackers infiltrating third-party provider systems. Reported incidents increased from 2017 to 2018, the only years for which IRS has data. However, IRS does not have a full picture of the scope of incidents because of inconsistent reporting requirements, including no reporting requirements for paid preparers.Reported High-Risk Security Incidents at Paid Preparers and Tax Software Providers, 2017 and 2018   2017 2018 Number of security incidents 212 336 Number of taxpayer accounts affected 180,557 211,162 GAO analysis of Internal Revenue Service data. | GAO-19-340 Third-party providers, such as paid tax return preparers and tax preparation software providers, greatly impact IRS’s administration of the tax system. If these third parties do not properly secure taxpayers’ personal and financial information, taxpayers will be vulnerable to identity theft refund fraud and their sensitive personal information will be at risk of unauthorized disclosure. IRS estimates that it paid out at least $110 million in identity theft tax refund fraud during 2017, and at least $1.6 billion in identity theft tax refund fraud during 2016.GAO was asked to review IRS’s efforts to track, monitor, and deter theft of taxpayer information from third parties. Among other things, this report assesses what is known about the taxpayer information security requirements for the systems used by third-party providers, IRS’s processes for monitoring compliance with these requirements, and IRS’s requirements for third-party security incident reporting.GAO analyzed IRS’s information security requirements, standards, and guidance for third-party providers and compared them to relevant laws, regulations, and leading practices, such as NIST guidance and Standards for Internal Control in the Federal Government. GAO reviewed IRS’s monitoring procedures and its requirements and processes for third-party reporting of security incidents, and compared them to Internal Control Standards and GAO’s A Framework for Managing Fraud Risk in Federal Programs. GAO also interviewed IRS and tax industry group officials. GAO suggests that Congress consider providing IRS with explicit authority to establish security requirements for paid preparers’ and Authorized e-file Providers’ systems.GAO is also making eight recommendations, including that the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Develop a governance structure or other form of centralized leadership to coordinate all aspects of IRS’s efforts to protect taxpayer information while at third-party providers. Require all tax software providers to adhere to prescribed information security controls. Regularly review and update security standards for tax software providers. Update IRS’s monitoring programs to include basic cybersecurity issues. Standardize incident reporting requirements for all types of third-party providers.IRS agreed with three recommendations, including the above recommendations to regularly review and update security standards for tax software providers, and standardize incident reporting requirements.IRS disagreed with five recommendations—including the other three listed above—generally citing the lack of clear and explicit authority it would need to establish security requirements for the information systems of paid preparers and Authorized e-file Providers. GAO believes that IRS can implement these recommendations without additional statutory authority.For more information, contact Jessica Lucas-Judy at 202-512-9110 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  290 Hits

AA19-122A: New Exploits for Unsecure SAP Systems

Original release date: May 2, 2019 | Last revised: May 3, 2019


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is issuing this activity alert in response to recently disclosed exploits that target unsecure configurations of SAP components. [1]

Technical Details

A presentation at the April 2019 Operation for Community Development and Empowerment (OPCDE) cybersecurity conference describes SAP systems with unsecure configurations exposed to the internet. Typically, SAP systems are not intended to be exposed to the internet as it is an untrusted network. Malicious cyber actors can attack and compromise these unsecure systems with publicly available exploit tools, termed “10KBLAZE.” The presentation details the new exploit tools and reports on systems exposed to the internet.

SAP Gateway ACL

The SAP Gateway allows non-SAP applications to communicate with SAP applications. If SAP Gateway access control lists (ACLs) are not configured properly (e.g., gw/acl_mode = 0), anonymous users can run operating system (OS) commands.[2] According to the OPCDE presentation, about 900 U.S. internet-facing systems were detected in this vulnerable condition.

SAP Router secinfo

The SAP router is a program that helps connect SAP systems with external networks. The default secinfo configuration for a SAP Gateway allows any internal host to run OS commands anonymously. If an attacker can access a misconfigured SAP router, the router can act as an internal host and proxy the attacker’s requests, which may result in remote code execution.

According to the OPCDE presentation, 1,181 SAP routers were exposed to the internet. It is unclear if the exposed systems were confirmed to be vulnerable or were simply running the SAP router service.

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AA19-122A: New Exploits for Unsecure SAP Systems

Original release date: May 2, 2019 | Last revised: May 3, 2019


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is issuing this activity alert in response to recently disclosed exploits that target unsecure configurations of SAP components. [1]

Technical Details

A presentation at the April 2019 Operation for Community Development and Empowerment (OPCDE) cybersecurity conference describes SAP systems with unsecure configurations exposed to the internet. Typically, SAP systems are not intended to be exposed to the internet as it is an untrusted network. Malicious cyber actors can attack and compromise these unsecure systems with publicly available exploit tools, termed “10KBLAZE.” The presentation details the new exploit tools and reports on systems exposed to the internet.

SAP Gateway ACL

The SAP Gateway allows non-SAP applications to communicate with SAP applications. If SAP Gateway access control lists (ACLs) are not configured properly (e.g., gw/acl_mode = 0), anonymous users can run operating system (OS) commands.[2] According to the OPCDE presentation, about 900 U.S. internet-facing systems were detected in this vulnerable condition.

SAP Router secinfo

The SAP router is a program that helps connect SAP systems with external networks. The default secinfo configuration for a SAP Gateway allows any internal host to run OS commands anonymously. If an attacker can access a misconfigured SAP router, the router can act as an internal host and proxy the attacker’s requests, which may result in remote code execution.

According to the OPCDE presentation, 1,181 SAP routers were exposed to the internet. It is unclear if the exposed systems were confirmed to be vulnerable or were simply running the SAP router service.

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FEMA Grants Modernization: Improvements Needed to Strengthen Program Management and Cybersecurity, April 09, 2019

What GAO Found Of six important leading practices for effective business process reengineering and information technology (IT) requirements management, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) fully implemented four and partially implemented two for the Grants Management Modernization (GMM) program (see table). Specifically, FEMA ensured senior leadership commitment, took steps to assess its business environment and performance goals, took recent actions to track progress in delivering IT requirements, and incorporated input from end user stakeholders. However, FEMA has not yet fully established plans for implementing new business processes or established complete traceability of IT requirements. Extent to Which the Federal Emergency Management Agency Implemented Selected Leading Practices for Business Process Reengineering and Information Technology (IT) Requirements Management for the Grants Management Modernization Program Leading practice Overall area rating Ensure executive leadership support for process reengineering ● Assess the current and target business environment and business performance goals ● Establish plans for implementing new business processes ◑ Establish clear, prioritized, and traceable IT requirements ◑ Track progress in delivering IT requirements ● Incorporate input from end user stakeholders ● Legend: ●=Fully implemented, ◑=Partially implemented, ○=Not implemented. Source: GAO analysis of Federal Emergency Management Agency documentation. | GAO-19-164 Until FEMA fully implements the remaining two practices, it risks delivering an IT solution that does not fully modernize FEMA's grants management systems. While GMM's initial May 2017 cost estimate of about $251 million was generally consistent with leading practices for a reliable, high-quality estimate, it no longer reflects current assumptions about the program. FEMA officials stated in December 2018 that they had completed a revised cost estimate, but it was undergoing departmental approval. GMM's program schedule was inconsistent with leading practices; of particular concern was that the program's final delivery date of September 2020 was not informed by a realistic assessment of GMM development activities, and rather was determined by imposing an unsubstantiated delivery date. Developing sound cost and schedule estimates is necessary to ensure that FEMA has a clear understanding of program risks. Of five key cybersecurity practices, FEMA fully addressed three and partially addressed two for GMM. Specifically, it categorized GMM's system based on security risk, selected and implemented security controls, and monitored security controls on an ongoing basis. However, the program had not initially established corrective action plans for 13 medium- and low-risk vulnerabilities. This conflicts with the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) guidance that specifies that corrective action plans must be developed for every weakness identified. Until FEMA, among other things, ensures that the program consistently follows the department's guidance on preparing corrective action plans for all security vulnerabilities, GMM's system will remain at increased risk of exploits. Why GAO Did This Study FEMA, a component of DHS, annually awards billions of dollars in grants to help communities prepare for, mitigate the effects of, and recover from major disasters. However, FEMA's complex IT environment supporting grants management consists of many disparate systems. In 2008, the agency attempted to modernize these systems but experienced significant challenges. In 2015, FEMA initiated a new endeavor (the GMM program) aimed at streamlining and modernizing the grants management IT environment. GAO was asked to review the GMM program. GAO's objectives were to (1) determine the extent to which FEMA is implementing leading practices for reengineering its grants management processes and incorporating needs into IT requirements; (2) assess the reliability of the program's estimated costs and schedule; and (3) determine the extent to which FEMA is addressing key cybersecurity practices. GAO compared program documentation to leading practices for process reengineering and requirements management, cost and schedule estimation, and cybersecurity risk management, as established by the Software Engineering Institute, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and GAO. What GAO Recommends GAO is making eight recommendations to FEMA to implement leading practices related to reengineering processes, managing requirements, scheduling, and implementing cybersecurity. DHS concurred with all recommendations and provided estimated dates for implementing each of them. For more information, contact Carol C. Harris at (202) 512-4456 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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